B.Tech. in Information Technology
(IoT and Smart Systems)

B. Tech. in Information Technology (IoT and Smart Systems) is a multidisciplinary program designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills required to thrive in the rapidly evolving field of IoT and smart technologies. The program integrates various disciplines such as Computer Science, Electronics, Communication Engineering, and Data Analytics to develop a comprehensive understanding of IoT systems and their applications in diverse industries. The curriculum is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in both core engineering principles and specialized IoT technologies.
The rapid growth of IoT technology has created a high demand for skilled professionals in the industry. This program aims to play a vital role in meeting this demand by bridging the skills gap and preparing individuals to navigate the evolving job market and take advantage of the numerous career opportunities available. Real-world applications of IoT across industries such as healthcare, smart cities, and agriculture further emphasize the importance of IoT education. This program equips learners with the knowledge and skills to develop innovative solutions that address critical challenges in these sectors.