Dr. Sanjay B. Bodkhe presently serving as Registrar (In-charge) of RBU and Professor
in the Department of Electrical Engineering has a distinguished academic background
of over 33 years with industry experience. He completed his PhD from VNIT Nagpur in
Electric Drives and has taught/supervised numerous UG, PG and PhD students. He has
published more than sixty research papers in various journals and conference
proceedings and has two patents granted to his credit. He has also authored three
textbooks for the students of electrical engineering. During his career, he has
worked in various capacities like, Dean Academics, Chairman BoS, Head of Department,
NBA Coordinator, NAAC Coordinator, IQAC Member Secretary, and has performed a
leading role in the establishment and operationalization of the university.
Prof. Bodkhe was awarded two MODROBS grants and one Research Grant (RPS) by AICTE,
New Delhi. He was appointed as Peer Team Member by National Board of Accreditation
(NBA) and has visited many colleges on behalf of NBA. He was also appointed as
Moderator by Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) and as Member on Model
Curriculum Development Committee (in line with NEP 2020) by the Government of
Maharashtra. Dr. Bodkhe has delivered numerous guest lectures in various institutes
on different topics that include, NEP-2020, Outcome Based Education, Accreditation,
Research Methodology and Electrical Drives. He is recognized and nominated as
Member/Expert on various bodies like Research Recognition Committee, Academic
Council and Boards of Studies of many other institutes and universities.
Dr. Bodkhe is the Fellow of Institute of Engineers (India) and has
affiliations with other professional bodies like IEEE and ISTE. He believes to
maintain student-centric approach and academic standards aligned to industry needs,
innovation, and multi-disciplinary ecosystem in different processes of the
university. His teaching and research areas of interest are electrical machines,
drives, EV and renewable energy.
Contact Information:
Dr. Sanjay B. Bodkhe, Registrar (Incharge)
Ramdeobaba University, Nagpur
Phone No: (91)-(712)-2580011 / +91-9822718740