Central Library

Welcome to the Library of Ramdeobaba University (RBU) Formerly known as, Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management. It was established in the year 1984. It is regarded as the best technical Library. It serves as a knowledge hub containing resources not only in the form of print but also in e-resources. The library aims at developing a comprehensive collection of documents that is useful for the faculty and students in their education and research activities in the institute. The Library is open to all students and staff members from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm on all working days. There is a rich collection of volumes of textbooks, reference books, National and International Journals in all branches of Engineering, Science, Technology, Management and General Studies. The Library makes efforts to increase this collection. These Books are classified according to UDC classification scheme and open access system is followed in the Library.

Dr. Cynita Christy

Dr. Cynita Christy

Ramdeobaba University (RBU) has always recognized the significance of enrichment of academic that takes place with the help of Library. Library is a member of National Library Network - DELNET. Information from National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) and other Electronic Resources are also available for the user community. On-line e-journals can be accessed such as IEEE,ASCE,ASME & EBSCO, ASCE Library members are allowed to access all materials (such as Books, Journals, Magazines, Digital materials and E-Journals etc.) available in the library . Library functions such as Acquisition, Circulation, and Cataloging have been automated using integrated software ERP such as GEMS with Web OPAC.

Reference Section

The reference section of the Library has rich collection of International editions of reference books, hand books, conference proceedings, encyclopedias and various reference documents.

Back Volumes

Back volumes of journals have been neatly bounded and categorized under their respective subjects for reference.

Periodical Section

The Library has a separate periodical section and subscribes to National and International Journals. The Library receives Journals, Newsletters to provide the staff and students latest information in technical education, research and developmental activities.

Audio-Visual Materials

The Library has a rich collection of Audio - Video tapes, CDs' Cassettes etc. It also facilitates to view video programmes.

Digital Library

The Digital library has 20 dedicated computers with multimedia and internet facility. The users use this service for searching information and downloading articles from various e-resources

Online Public Access Catalogue

The library is equipped with computerized Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) for searching availability of books. Barcode system is followed in all transactions.

Lending/Fine Rules

The borrowing/lending privileges of books are only extended to the students & faculties of the institute. UG Students can borrow 4 no.books, PG Students can borrow 6 no. of Books, Research/Scholars & faculties can borrow 20 no. of books on their ID cards. Show of ID cards is necessary while issuing books.

The Fine Rules are as follows:

For UG / PG Students books are issued for 14 days .After the due period the fine levied is as follows:
  • Rs.1/-per day for first 15 days
  • Rs.2/- per day next 15 days
  • After that Rs.4/- per day till the return of books