The rapid urbanization and economic development at local, regional and global level has led to several environmental and ecological crises. On this background it becomes essential to adopt the system of the Green and environmentally sustainable practices on the Campus of the institute which will lead for sustainable development.Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management is deeply concerned and unconditionally believes that there is an urgent need to address these fundamental problems and reverse the trends of pollution. Being a premier institution of higher learning, the college has initiated The Green Campus program two years back and has actively promoted the various projects for the environment protection and sustainability. Awareness and sensitivity towards protection of environment is an important part of value education. Keeping the mission of RBU of providing value education and social responsibility in mind, REEF was set up as an environment club of the college The club, founded on 25th January 2012, is hosted by the Department of Chemistry of RBU.It works to achieve the following objectives:
To create awareness and take up various activities for the conservation of various aspects of the environment.
Some of the Activities....2019-20
Some of the Activities....2020-21
A year of great apprehensions and Uncertianities . Nevertheless many online activities related to environment were conducted like Elocution competition, Activities like Making of Bird Feeders, Photography competition, etc were conducted.