To establish the department as a center of excellence in academics and research with advances in the rapidly changing field of Electronics and Communication

To create stimulating environment for learning and imparting quality technical education to fulfill the needs of the industry and society

  • To strive to achieve excellence in students’ overall development for the benefit of the society as a whole.
  • Continuous intervention in terms of Teaching-Learning and Quality improvement.
  • Continued interaction with industry to cope-up with the technological requirements.
  • Place of research and higher order learning in the field of communication engineering.
  • To strive to become centre of excellence.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Dr. Rohini S. Ochawar
Head of Department

Dr. (Mrs.) Rohini S. Ochawar, Associate Professor is a graduate (1999) from Amaravati University and post graduate (2005) from R.T.M. Nagpur University and has done her Ph.D. in year 2011 from Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur.
She has 25 years of Teaching Experience and has certain projects in collaboration with industry. She has published more than 25 Research publications out of which 3 SCI and 6 Scopus journal publications. She is a reviewer of reputed International Journals. She is currently guiding 2 research scholars. Her areas of interest and research include digital image processing and biomedical image processing, medical imaging. She has received several grants out of which of Rs. 15 Lakhs for MODROBS, international travel grant from AICTE and an amount of Rs. 2 Lakhs for conduction of FDP from AICTE. She is an institute level AISHE Nodal Officer. She has conducted various sessions on “Empowering Youth”.