Name of Teaching Staff Dr. Dipak Jayant Dahigaonkar
Designation Associate Professor
Department Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Regular/Adhoc   Regular
UG Degree PG Degree Ph.D. Status
BE M.Tech Phd Completed
Total experience in Years
Teaching Industry Research
30.00 3.00 10.00
Papers Published National:   4   International: 14
Conference Attended National: 6   International:  
Workshop Attended   National:     International:   0
Ph.D. Field Analog CMOS VLSI design
Ph.D./ Projects guided (Awarded) PhD   0   Projects (Masters level)   10
Books published / IPRS / Patents Books   A text book on Laboratory experiments in Electrical Engineering, S. Chand Co. Ltd., 2013     Intellectual Property Rights   6    Patents   0
Professional Membership ISTE, Institution of Engineers (I), The International Association of Engineers
Consultancy activities Consultancy on electronic weighing bridges, at SECL, Bilaspur;
Awards Appreciation certificate from Texas Instruments for motivating and registering highest number of students for the MooC course on TI Embedded system using MSP430 MCU, 2019-20
Grants Fetched
Interaction with professional Institution S.D. Kalmegh Dental College & Hospital, Wanadongri, Hingna, Nagpur - 441110
LinkedIn Profile
Google Scholor https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=JSm1NVoAAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=1
ORCID 0000-0003-1878-9794
Scopus Author ID 56081632700
Subject Specialization Electronic devices & circuits; Smart Sensors, Analog VLSI design
E Mail ID dahigaonkardj@rknec.edu