Name of Teaching Staff Dr. Nitin P Narkhede
Designation Associate Professor
Department Department of Electronics Engineering
Regular/Adhoc   Regular
UG Degree PG Degree Ph.D. Status
BE M.Tech Phd Completed
Total experience in Years
Teaching Industry Research
21.00 1.00 0.00
Papers Published National:   0   International: 9
Conference Attended National: 5   International:  
Workshop Attended   National:     International:   1
Ph.D. Field Digital VLSI Design
Ph.D./ Projects guided (Awarded) PhD   0   Projects (Masters level)   12
Books published / IPRS / Patents Books       Intellectual Property Rights   0    Patents   2
Professional Membership ISTE
Consultancy activities Provided the consultancy to Dhruvv TransNet Pvt. Ltd. Nagpur on "Design and Development of Battery Monitoring System with remaining useful Life Prediction" for Rs. 1,20,000/-
Awards Rastra Sewa Award by Dr Manibhai Pratishthan, Pune (MS)
Grants Fetched (1) Rs. 50,000/- towards sponsorship for 2nd International Conference on “Electronic Systems, Signal Processing and Computing Technologies (ICESC-2018)” during 7 - 8 December 2018. (2) Rs. 67,000/- revenue generated through online Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “VLSI Chip Design Hands-on using Open source EDA” during 16 – 20 December, 2019 conducted at M Tech VLSI Design, Department of Electronics Engineering, RCOEM, Nagpur
Interaction with professional Institution 1)University of Massachusetts, Lowell, USA 2) IIT Powai 3) IIT Kharagpur 4) NIT, Rourkela
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/feed/?trk=homepage-basic_sign-in-submit
Google Scholor https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=1FpInu0AAAAJ&hl=en&citsig=AM0yFCkdOAWZoPXXk3R12thPYLxn
ORCID 0000-0002-3579-1039
Scopus Author ID 35737742900
Subject Specialization Digital VLSI Design, Verification and Testing
E Mail ID narkheden@rknec.edu