A Section 8 Company for Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship



Our Resources provide startups with access to specialized equipment and a collaborative environment, fostering innovation and accelerating product development. It also helps startups reduce costs and bring products to market more efficiently.

Co-working Space

Centers of Excellence (CoE)

  • RBU-TATA Centre of Invention, Innovation, Incubation and Training
  • CoE in Microsystems with Intellisense
  • Energy Research Centre
  • RBU-QCFI Centre of Human Excellence

State-of-the-Art Labs

  • Design Lab
  • Fab Lab
  • IoT lab
  • All Engineering and Sciences Labs

Soft resources

Soft resources such as software and subscriptions help startups reduce their operational costs, enabling access to essential tools for development, and creating a more efficient workflow. They also facilitate rapid prototyping, market testing, and scalability without significant upfront investments in infrastructure.


Mentoring is crucial for startups as it provides guidance, industry insights, and a network of contacts that can help navigate challenges and accelerate growth. Mentors offer valuable experience and perspective, aiding in strategic decision-making and enhancing overall entrepreneurial success.

Advisory Services

We provide startups with essential legal and regulatory guidance, ensuring compliance, protecting intellectual property, and navigating complex legal landscapes to safeguard their business operations and interests.

Investor Connect

We facilitate investor connections for startups, linking them with potential investors and venture capitalists to secure funding and accelerate their growth trajectory.

Funding Facilitation

In terms of government grants, MSME hackathons, and other funding schemes, we assist startups in identifying, applying for and guidance throughout the application process.

Ongoing Schemes: MSME HI/BI, Govt. of India

Coaching & Training

We organise tailored coaching and training programs for startups, equipping them with essential skills, knowledge, and strategies to enhance their business acumen, foster innovation, and achieve desired success.

Business Development Support

We provide comprehensive business development support to startups, including market analysis, strategic planning, partnership building, and customer acquisition strategies, empowering them to scale effectively and achieve their growth objectives.