B.Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering
(Artificial Intelligence & Data Science)

The B.Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering (AI & Data Science) encompasses foundational courses in programming, algorithms, and data structures. Advanced topics include machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and big data analytics. Practical applications and project-based learning augment theoretical understanding, preparing graduates for careers in AI and data science domains.

Employment Opportunities:

The rapid advancement and integration of AI across industries are creating unprecedented opportunities for professionals in this field. The demand for AI and Data Science (DS) talent is expected to continue its upward trajectory, driven by ongoing technological innovation and the increasing application of AI & DS in various sectors. This makes it a highly promising area for both current and future job seekers.
B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering (AI & DS) graduates have the opportunity to pursue professions in a variety of fields, including, but not limited to, artificial intelligence and machine learning, data science, software development, AI research, and data analysis. Key industries such as Manufacturing, Retail, Finance, Service, Transportation, Healthcare, Agriculture, Stock market, Drone & Robotics manufacturing are actively seeking AI and DS expertise. In addition, graduates can explore roles as entrepreneurs or researchers, further expanding their career prospects.