B.Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering
(Quantum Computing)

B.Tech. program in Computer Science & Engineering with a specialization in Quantum Computing offers a cutting-edge curriculum designed to equip students with a deep understanding of both classical computer science principles and quantum computing theory. Through foundational courses in computer science, mathematics, and physics, students gain the necessary background to explore advanced topics such as quantum algorithms, quantum information theory, and quantum error correction. Practical experience is emphasized through hands-on labs, research projects, and potential internships, providing students with the opportunity to work with both simulators and emerging quantum hardware. With an interdisciplinary approach that incorporates ethics, societal implications, and industry collaboration, graduates are prepared to tackle the challenges and opportunities at the forefront of quantum computing, whether in academia, industry, or research.

Employment Opportunities:

Opportunities exist in roles such as quantum software engineer, algorithm developer, quantum security analyst, quantum hardware engineer, and quantum research scientist. Additionally, sectors such as finance, healthcare, cybersecurity, and materials science are increasingly integrating quantum computing technologies, creating demand for skilled professionals who can leverage quantum computing to address complex challenges and drive innovation.