Central Instrumentation Centre


  • To provide a central instrumentation facility consisting of the latest and advance analytical Instruments to the researchers within and outside the institute.
  • To facilitate multidisciplinary research and to cater to the needs of academic research institutes, universities, and industries for high-end material characterization.


  • To strengthen technical infrastructure, to carry out advanced research in various science and engineering disciplines under one roof and make their services available to undergraduate and post graduate students, research scholars , faculties and industry.
  • To develop new measurement / analytical techniques for exploring new dimensions in research in various areas of science, engineering and technology.

List of Research Facilities available at Central Instrumentation Centre

S.N. Equipment (Name) Brief Description
1 Hitachi F-7000 Spectrometer Used for measuring fluorescence spectra in UV-Visible Region (220-700nm), Decay measurement with millisecond order, Reflectance of material.
2 ZWL-600 Lumen meter Used for measuring Color Coodinates , Color Rendering Index, Lumen output LED angle and angle intensity, color temperature, lumen, current and voltage, etc of materials used for making LEDs
3 USB-2000 Spectrometer Portable spectrometer used for measuring fluorescence spectra in UV-Visible Region (250-650nm)
4 PiccoammeterFor measuring current upto Pico ampere
5 Spin Coating Unit Used for making thin films
6 Furnace (Vertical 5″ x5″x10″) Vertical Furnace with temperature controller upto 1000OC with temp. controller
7 QM-51, Quantum Master NIR Spectrophotometer+ K-148-S Powder Sample Holder Used for measuring fluorescence spectra in NIR Region (300-1500nm), Reflectance of material.
8 LED Meter (LEDM-01) UPRTECK CMOS Linear Image Sensor; 380 to 780 nm; Approximately 12 nm (Half Bandwidth). Used for detecting visible spectra of material.
9 Vacuum Oven For heating of material in Vacuum upto 500o C
10 Mettler Balance (0.1mg accuracy) Used for weighing of samples
11 Muffle Furnace Maximum Temperaure : 1700oC For heating of materials upto 1700oC
12 Furnace (Horizontal) Horizontal Furnace with temperature controller upto 1000O C with temp. controller
13 Microwave Oven For heating of material in upto 500o C
14 Atmosphere Furnace (FUR-04) Atmosphere Furnace upto 1300 deg C with flow of nitrogen or argon
15 Ultra Sonic Bath Used for cleaning contaminants adhering to substrates like metals, plastics, glass, rubber, and ceramics.
16 Autoclave Autoclave with Temp. Controller and timer
17 Remi 8-C Centrifuge machine For centrifuge purpose. 5250 rpm
18 Toolmaker’s Microscope Used for measurements of threads i.e. major and minor diameter, mean effective diameter etc.
19 Profile Projector Used for measuring major diameter, minor diameter, pitch, angle of screw
20 PC based Data Acquisition System Used for acquisition of sensor data
21 Humidity Measurement Used for the measurement of relative humidity in air. Also used for measuring the temperature of a flow of air by comparing it with the theoretical value

Central Instrumentation Centre


CIC requisition form

For using the facilities of Central Instrumentation Centre contact fill the requisition form and send it to
Incharge, Central Instrumentation Centre,
Shri Ramdeobaba University, Nagpur-440013
Mobile : 9960724177
Email: belsarepd@rknec.edu