
Tide Turners Plastic Challenge-21 by UNEP, WWF, CEE, MOEF

REEF celebrates Wildlife Week

India celebrates wildlife week every year in the first week of October (2nd to 8th) with a motive to promote the preservation of fauna in the country. REEF, the environment club of our college, celebrated the week by hosting an event on 6th and 7th October in the college campus. The event was inaugurated by Dr. S D Mohagaonkar (Dean, 2nd shift) and Dr. Deepshikha Mehra (Mentor faculty, REEF and HOD, Humanities). In the event, wildlife photographs clicked by REEF members in college and during educational trips were exhibited on a flex. The photograph of Royal Bengal tiger received the maximum number of public votes. The event also included a wildlife themed flywheel game and tattoo art.