Established in the year 1957, the Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering is a non-profit organization for the profession of Industrial Engineering in India consisting of members specialized in the areas of Work Study, Production Planning & Control, Materials Management, Value Engineering, PERT/CPM, Operations Research, Computer Sciences, Financial Management, Statistical Quality Control etc. and other emerging disciplines. It has been espousing and contributing to Productivity, Quality movement and Cost Competitiveness and other emerging needs of Undertakings in the country during the last five decades.
Organization Structure
International Conference on Smart Strategies for Digital World Organized at RCOEM
L to R: Dr. Rupesh Pais, Co-Convenor, Dr. Rajesh Pande, Principal RCOEM, Cdr. B. M. Bhandarkar, Director General, IIIE, Shri R. G. Rajan, former CMD, RCF, Shri Govindlal Agarwal, General Secretary RCOEM, Shri D, V. Bhagat, Chairman, IIIE, Dr. I. P. Keswani, Convenor. "Every business must leverage the digital technologies for achieving competitive advantage" insisted Shri. R. G. Rajan, Former CMD, Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd., Mumbai. He was speaking during the inaugural ceremony of the 58th National Convention of Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering (IIIE) & International Conference on 'Smart Strategies for Digital World-Industrial Engineering Perspective', organised jointly by IIIE and Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management (RCOEM), Nagpur. Amidst the presence of a galaxy of eminent personalities on the dais including Shri R. G. Rajan, former CMD, Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd. as Chief Guest; Shri. Govindlal Agarwal, General Secretary, RCOEM as President; Cdr. B. M. Bhandarkar (Retd.), Director General IIIE; Shri D. V. Bhagat, Chairman, IIIE National Council; Dr Rajesh Pande, Principal RCOEM; Dr. I. P. Keswani Convenor and Dr. Rupesh Pais, Co-Convenor of the conference, 58th National Convention of Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering and International Conference was inaugurated recently at RCOEM. Dr. I. P. Keswani gave opening remarks where he elaborated the theme of conference and informed the gathering that the earlier convention of IIIE which were held in Nagpur in 2009 and 2013 had received a very good response which encouraged the Nagpur Chapter to host this National Convention & International Conference this time. Speaking on the occasion Dr. Rajesh Pande, Principal RCOEM, said that such conferences involving intensive interaction between industries & Institutions would help both industry and academia. Cdr. B. M. Bhandarkar (Retd), Director General IIIE, elucidated the crowd about the importance of smart digital strategies. Shri D. V. Bhagat, Chairman IIIE, spoke about the objectives and activities of IIIE and informed that IIIE organises two key events every year, CEO conference and National Convention with a National or International Conference. IIIE founded in 1957 works for the promotion of Industrial Engineering and improving the productivity of the manufacturing organisations. Shri Govindlal Agarwal in his presidential address expressed the need of more research and contribution in this area from academia and industry in order to achieve dream of Digital India. Shri R. G. Rajan, former CMD, Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd., in his speech, explained the key industrial Engineering strategies for performance improvement of business and also emphasized the role of digital technologies in the profitability of the organisation. A Souvenir of the conference was also released at the hands of Shri R. G. Rajan. Dr. Rashmi Sahu compered the programme while vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Rupesh Pais Along with the conference a National Productivity Competition (NPC) was also held which received a very good response as the industries from various parts of the country enthusiastically participated in the same. National Productivity Competition in which 38 teams from various organisations in India presented their Productivity Improvement Case Studies. On the second day of conference around 80 papers were presented by the various delegates in 7 different technical sessions. Also a panel discussions was held on the theme of the conference. Conference was concluded with a valedictory function. Addressing the gathering during the valedictory function of the conference, Cdr. B. M. Bhandarkar, Director General IIIE, congratulated IIIE Nagpur Chapter & RCOEM for the commendable efforts in successfully organising the event. Dr. Shalini Vanjari, Vice-Chancellor, SNDT University, and Chief Guest of the function deliberated upon the universal. She lauded the work of IIIE in this area as the largest professional body promoting the principles and practices of Industrial Engineering. On this occasion, IIIE Fellowships, various IIIE National awards and awards for the various categories in the conference were distributed at the hands of the President & Chief Guest of the function. Dr. Vivek Sunnapwar, Hon. Secreatery, IIIE, presented the report of all the activities during the two days of the conference. Prof. Rakshal Agrawal, compered the programme, Prof. Harish Kutemate, Vice-Chairman IIIE , proposed the vote of thanks. It was informed that the 59th National Convention of IIIE will be organised at Aurangabad during October 2017. Installation Ceremony of IIIE Student Chapter 2016-17 The installation ceremony of Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering (IIIE), Nagpur student chapter took place on 29th September 2016. The event commenced with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp. Dr. I. P. Keswani, HOD Industrial and Chairman, IIIE Nagpur Chapter, then took the stage to enlighten everyone on what IIIE is all about. It was followed by inspirational speeches from Dr. V. S. Deshpande and Dr. D. R. Zanwar. All the members of the newly elected student body were felicitated with badges by the dignitaries.