Ph. D. Programme

Following schools are offering registration to Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Rameobaba University (RBU), Formerly, Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur for session 2024-25.

Ph.D. Programs Offered

S. N. Name of Departments
1. PhD( Computer Science & Engineering)
2. PhD(Electrical Engineering)
3. PhD(Electronics Engineering)
4. PhD(Mechanical Engineering)
5. PhD Civil Engineering
6. PhD (Computer Science & Application)
7. PhD( Physics)
8. PhD( Chemistry)
9. PhD( Mathematics )
10. PhD( Humanities )
11. PhD( Business Management )

Registration categories for pursuing Ph. D. Programs

PhD ( With Assistantship / for Working Professionals )


1. Candidates who have qualified for fellowship/scholarship in UGC-NET/UGC- CSIR/NET/GATE/CEED/RTMNU-PET/RCOEM-PET and other national level tests.

2.Candidates who have not qualified for above exams can also apply however, such candidates shall have to appear for an entrance test (RBU-PET) scheduled on 22nd March, 2025 at 11 am, (reporting time 10 am) to be conducted at respective school followed by personal interview.

The Registration fees for appearing in RBU-PET shall be Rs. 1000/-.

No objection certificate will be required from sponsoring body for working professionals. The duly filled online application form should be submitted for admission to PhD program at RBU on or before 20th March 2025 by copying the following link in the browser

Syllabus for RBU-PET (session 2024-25)

Paper I This paper shall have multiple choice questions from Research Methodology and General Aptitude (50 marks). Research methodology covering (i) Meaning and Types of research, (ii) Principles of Review of Literature (iii) Defining a research problem (iv) Research Design (v) Sampling Techniques (vi) Types of Data and Data Collection Techniques (vii) Data Analysis Tools (viii) Referencing styles, etc. The general aptitude of the examinee for which the questions from Analytical Reasoning, Numerical Ability, Data Interpretation, Computer Awareness, Language Competency, etc may be asked.

Paper II This paper shall have multiple choice and subjective questions (50 marks) based on the curriculum prescribed by the Board of Studies of the concerned subject.

Schedule for Ph.D. Entrance/Admission

Entrance Exam Time Activities
RBU-PET 22 March 2025 10.00 am to 11 am Reporting and document verification at concerned department
11.00 am to 12.00 noon Aptitude Test
12.30 pm to 1.30 pm Technical Test
2.00 pm onward Personal Interview
24 March 2025 11.00 am Display of selection list at concerned department & Admission

vacancy table:

For more details, contact to concerned school coordinator:

S. N. School Department Contact Person of PhD Coordinators
1 School of Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Dr. Shubhangi Neware
Mob: 9425519266
2 School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Electrical Engineering Dr. M. V. Palandurkar
Mob: 9823941014
3 School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Electronics Engineering Dr. R. R. Khandelwal
Mob: 9405700956
4 School of Engineering Sciences Civil Engineering Dr. Sharda P. Siddh
Mob: 7972883625
5 School of Engineering Sciences Mechanical Engineering Dr. Yogesh Deshpande
Mob: 9096192751
6 School of Management Management Technology Dr. Vikram Joshi
Mob: 9422816569
7 School of Humanities and Sciences Physics, Chemistry, Matehmatics, Humanites Dr. Pankaj D. Belsare
Mob: 9960724177

For more details contact to:

  • Dr. D.S.Adane, Director R&D. Mobile : 9422113373
  • Dr.Jayu Kalambe, Associate Director R&D. Mobile : 9822360944
  • Dr. Yogesh Deshpande, Co-ordinator. Mobile : 9096192751